everyone had a great Christmas and I’ve got a special present for you –
independent wrestling news!
NXT TV, 12/18
NXT TV opens with video package
recapping NXT Takeover. Shows Sami Zayn being carted away on a stretcher with the NXT
title on him, which they didn’t show on Takeover itself.
Commentary team
tonight is Jason Albert, Rich Brennan and Corey Graves. Hopefully this means no
more Alex Riley but he’ll probably switch in and out with Albert. Luckily,
Graves is pretty good on commentary, much better than Riley.
Adrian Neville comes out first. Seems
like he’s squarely back in the face territory. Crowd chanting “Thank You,
Neville” for some reason. He puts over Zayn, saying the better man won and he
deserves to be NXT Champ. And it should be Sami Zayn out there right now,
saying he wishes he could shake his friend’s hand but he’s not here tonight
thanks to one person - Kevin Owens.
Adrian says he
hopes Owens is proud of what he did and it isn’t long before Owens hits the stage
and heads to the ring. Neville says what he did was shameful and keeps saying
shame on you to Owens and the crowd starts chanting it.
Owens says he
doesn’t care what Neville has to say, that his opinion is irrelevant to him. He
cares that he is finally here and cares that Zayn isn’t here because he is. He
doesn’t have a problem with Neville and he’s here to get to the absolute top.
If Neville wants a fight, he’s got a fight.
Seems like they
are really trying to push Owen’s catchphrase as “I’ll fight anybody and
everybody” but I don’t know how well it’s working. I like the sentiment but the
wording in clunky and I don’t see it really getting over with the crowd.
Devin Taylor is
backstage with Becky Lynch. Becky says Sasha Banks opened her eyes to the fact
that isn’t doesn’t matter if the fans are cheering if she’s losing every week.
Becky takes on Bayley next.
Bayley is wearing a brace on her left
knee after being attacked by Becky and Sasha. Bayley takes advantage first,
keeping on top of Becky with hard shots and clotheslines. Becky keeps trying to
attack the knee but Bayley reversing her attempts and staying in control. It
seems like Bayley might win until Becky reverses a roll up and locks in a
submission on Bayley’s knee for the win. Albert says she calls it “The Four Leg
Charlotte cuts sort of an odd promo with
Renee Young, trying to sound like a face but definitely saying heel things
about how she’s the best Diva in WWE and that she’s genetically superior. Next
week, Sasha gets a rematch for the Women’s title.
The Vaudevillains
talk to William Regal in his office and they get a black and white film effect while on
screen. They show Regal a video clip that even though Gotch got pinned in their
match against the Lucha Dragons, he wasn’t the legal man. They want the match
tonight but Regal says no way, but they will get one eventually.
Bull Dempsey up
to squash some jobber they don’t name. Probably some local dude. He doesn’t get
any offense in before Bull smashes him with headbutts and knees before pinning
him with a flying headbutt.
Bull heads up the
ramp but before he gets to the top, Baron Corbin’s music hits and he makes his
way out. Bull is still on the ramp and he stares down Bull as he walks by. It’s
kinda cool how Bull and Baron are feuding without actually saying a word to
each other.
Corbin punches his jobber once and hits
the End of Days and wins in 14 seconds. Bull still on the ramp as Corbin walks
up and Bull shoves him but before Corbin can do anything, Bull jumps off the ramp
and backs away with a smirk on his face.
Enzo and Big Cass
(with Carmella) make their way out to the ring. Enzo has such amazing charisma.
Just give that dude a mic on Raw and he’d be over immediately. They’re taking
on The Ascension. Commentary says they jumped Enzo and Cass, but I don’t
remember when that would’ve happened. Enzo and Cass do a little rendition of
the “7 Days of Christmas” about what they’re gonna give Konnor and Viktor.
Big Cass starts against Viktor. Viktor
pushes him to the corner first but Cass soon takes advantage. Enzo tags himself
in after Cass takes down Viktor and runs across the ring to forearm Konnor who
just stands there. Enzo seems like he’s trying to get the attention of Carmella
by being a tough guy in the ring but she doesn’t pay attention to him. Viktor
STOs him and get the pin before Cass can get in the ring and Konnor knocks Cass
off the apron.
Am I sensing the
beginning of a break up between these guys? Is Carmella gonna be a wedge
between them, whether she’s actively trying to break them up or not? Cass seems
annoyed that Enzo tagged himself in to try and get Carmella’s attention and
then lost the match. I sure hope that’s not what’s happening.
Viktor on the mic says they’ve been the
best in NXT for years and what happened at Takeover was beginners luck and that
this war between them and Itami and Balor is far from over.
Graves says
Neville and Owens will step in the ring for the first time...in NXT.
Albert says he
doesn’t get why Owens can just show up and be in the main event scene. That he
needs to pay his dues. That Zayn worked for 14 years and waited his turn.
Owens starts the
match by jumping outside and not engaging Neville. Classic heel maneuver.
Neville go behind pushes him into the ropes followed by a leg lariat and Owens
rolls out as he hits the mat. Back into the ring, Owens takes him down with a
single forearm. He hits a few strikes before Neville hits a big rana and Owens
runs away again.
mentions they wonder if Owens can breathe with that broken nose and I was wondering
that too.
Owens gets in but
right back outside and this time Neville pursues. Owens dodges the baseball
slide and hammers Neville with a clothesline to the back of his head. Smashes
him on the apron a few times and draws boos from the crowd. Kinda crazy how
Neville is just right back into face territory again after being a huge jerk to
Zayn for so long.
Owens flattens Neville with a cannonball
senton but gets a two count. Owens talking trash in the ring. “Nothing I do
makes me shameful” and “You were the champ for a year - you’re a joke!”
Neville sidesteps
Owens in the corner and hits a big head kick which stuns Owens. Follows up with
quick strikes and a 2 count from a springboard missile dropkick. Goes up top and
seems like maybe for the Red Arrow but Owens blocks him. Neville springboard
and gets caught on Owens’ shoulders who drops him down into a big gutbuster (I
was like, Deep Sea Diverticulitis?!) followed by a senton but only gets a 2.
Owens puts Neville
on the top rope but Neville sends him crashing to the mat with some forearms.
Neville perched on top but Owens hits the ropes and knocks him down. Owens
drapes Neville’s feet on the corner and spikes him with a DDT but only gets a
2. Owens keeps breaking out crazy looking, heavy handed offense that he didn’t
use last time.
Neville wiggles
off of Owen’s shoulders and pushes him into the ropes and uses the momentum to
take him over with a German suplex. Owens rolls outside and Neville rebound
into a twisting dive to the outside but struggles to lift Owens back into the
ring as the count rises. Owens pushes Neville into the ring post and neither
can get back in the ring before the 10 count for a double count out.
The ref tells
Owens it’s over and he looks furious. He pushes the ref away and powerbombs
Neville onto the apron as doctors rush out to check on Neville.
Lucha Underground - Episode
Looks like LU is bringing a bit of the
multiman flavor to the show. Cueto asked 10 luchadores to come to the ring to
start the show. Cueto has big sunglasses on, not doubt to hide the black eye
Johnny Mundo gave him. The winner of each match will be rewarded he says. But
not money. Something much more precous than money he says.
Thought it was a tag match but it’s not.
Just a giant clusterf*ck. One pin to win between Drago, King Cuerno, Pentagon
Jr., Fenix, Mascarita Sagrada, Big Ryck, Prince Puma, Super Fly, Son of Havoc,
Mariachi Loco.
Everyone but Drago and Cuerno gang up on
Ryck to start (they’re hanging back in opposite corners, watching each other).
Ryck throws everyone aside and Sagrada is left, ineffectually punching him in
the stomach. They tie up and Sagrada goes behind with a hammerlock and starts
kicking his legs out. Ryck snapmares him onto his face and Drago leaps up and
over Sagrada into Cuerno.
Fenix bounces off
several ropes hits a drop kick on Ryck. Mariachi springboard dropkick on Ryck
and a final dropkick from Pentagon sends him out. Pentagon Slingblade on Fenix,
Drago attack Pentagon, throws him off and big corckscrew onto Cuerno on the
Vamp really hates Sagrada. Every time
someone hits him, he wants them to do it again. Almost too much going on at
once, it’s hard to follow who’s fighting who.
Havoc fakes a
dive to the outside and tells off the fans who boo him wanting to see a dive.
Puma steps up to fight him, even though he has his ribs taped up from the
ladder match. Vamp says it’s no doubt Konnan making him get back in the ring so
soon. Lots of flippy stuff from Puma and Havoc. Puma two backflips and a
headscissor take Havoc outside and hits a senton onto Fenix and Pentagon
Ryck takes on Fenix, Drago and Mariachi
at the same time, throwing Drago into Fenix and Mariachi. Puma and Fenix gang
up on Ryck to take him down and out of the ring. Then Fenix and Puma trade
kicks into the corners and Fenix takes down Puma with a superkick. Fenix goes
up top but Puma follows him and sets up for a super plex. Cuerno sets up to
powerbomb tower of doom style and Mariachi and Pentagon slide out of the ring
taking Cuerno’s legs out.
Havoc hits a huge shooting star press on
Fenix but Super Fly breaks it up. Drago uses that pin combo (the Dragon’s Tail
says Striker) on Super Fly but Cuerno kicks him in the face to break it up.
Cuerno, Mariachi and Pentagon all get near falls with their finishers and
Sagrada back in to break up Pentagon’s with a mini Mafia Kick.
Pretty much
everyone but Fenix, Puma and Ryck do big dives to the outside. Puma hits a 630
senton on Ryck and goes after Fenix who sets him up for a Tornado DDT off the
top. Fenix flips Puma up onto his shoulder and hits a Greeting From Asbury Park
type piledriver for the win.
The next match is
a Boyle Heights Battle Royal. Cortez Castro, Cisco, B-Boy (Bael apparently),
Famous B, Ricky Mandel, Sexy Star, Pimpinela Escarlata, Johnny Mundo and Mil
Muertes. Oh and Chavo is number 10.
Star goes under
the second rope to jump on Chavo to start the match. Mundo tries to eliminate
Cisco but he gets back in. They show that Asian chick in the crowd watching
this match. Famous B eliminated first. Pimpinela springboards on the ropes with
a knuckle lock on both Cisco and Bael and takes them down. Then Star drop kicks
Pimpy from behind.
The Crew eliminates Ricky Mandel. Pimpy with
a knuckle lock on Mundo and up to the top. Mil knocks them both over, spears
Pimpy and throws him over the ropes. Star jumps Chavo from behind and starts
pounding on him but he snapmares her over. He drags her around by the hair,
picks her up and Codebreaker. Chavo in the corner, Star runs in and Chavo puts
her up over the top. Shoulder to Chavo and Star up top with a cross body but
Chavo catches her and dumps her over the top rope.
Mil, the Crew,
Chavo and Mundo are left. The Crew works over Mundo while Mil goes to choke
Chavo in the corner. The Crew pick him up and throw him over the top but Mundo
hangs on to the top rope. On the apron he’s fighting them all at once. Basement
dropkick tries to knock out Mundo but he hangs on with his feet somehow and the
Crew don’t see it.
Mundo takes Cortez over the top rope,
Chavo tosses Cisco and Mil spears Bael and throws him out.
Chavo catapult
Mundo and he hangs onto the rope again. Mil wants a German but Chavo holds on.
Mundo shoulder to his gut and sunset flip on Mil who Germans Chavo. Mil tries
to eliminate Mundo who springboards in and dropkicks Mil. Mundo crotches Chavo
and Mundo springboards off the ropes and a kick to the face eliminates Chavo.
That Asian chick is still in the crowd (and Vampiro is still losing his mind
over her).
Mil spears Mundo. Mundo escapes the
apron again and back in the ring, Mundo hits some quick moves off the topes to
take down Mil. Mundo hits a running knee on Mil and lifts him, trying to take
him over the ropes. Both guys on the apron, Mil stomping Mundo into the mat and
Catrina pulls him over a little. Mil standing on Mundo’s next as he hangs off
the apron but holds onto the bottom rope with a leg. Mundo slides back in
through his legs and sets up for the End of the World but Mil gets the knees
up. It hits Mundo’s knee somehow and clotheslines Mundo over the top rope to
Fenix and Mil are
facing off in the ring. Cueto comes out of his office and with him is a title
belt - a Lucha Underground championship belt! Looks kinda plain though. Cueto
says the lucha who wears the belt will be the greatest fighter in the world.
Cueto says he’s invented the most brutal, innovative match in the world - Aztec
Warfare. (Guerrilla Warfare?) In three weeks, first show of 2015, whoever
survives Aztec Warfare will win the belt.
Fenix and Mil have a match tonight.
Winner gets into Aztec Warfare last and loser goes in first and has to fight 19
other luchadores to win. So it’s like a Royal Rumble match?
Fenix avoiding the big rushes of Mil and
catches him in a go behind. Fenix getting the best of mil with big dives and a
corkscrew over the top. Mil just barely makes it back in before the 10 count.
Mil spears Fenix
and lays him over the ropes allowing Catrina to choke him as Mil distracts the
ref. Mil drops Fenix with a big DDT but only a 2. Mil hits a big running
powerslam but only a 2. Fenix tries to build some momentum but Mil powerbomb
for a 2.
Fenix hits a handspring into a cutter
but gets a 2. Fenix walks the top rope and leaps onto Mil but he drops him with
a big uppercut. Mil picks him up by the throat and drops him with a Flatliner
to win. Mil will be 20 in Aztec Warfare. I don’t think Mil has lost yet in LU.
Catrina licks Fenix’ face and Mil kisses her as the episode ends.
As the episode ends Cueto talking about
the belt and how it has gold in it from the 7 Aztec tribes. That it’s not just
impressive but powerful. Sounds like he’s talking to someone and says “I’m
sorry I can’t let you touch it, I know how you like to destroy pretty things.”
Partial cards for EVOLVE
36 and 37
Ybor City, FL – January
9, 9pm
Open The Freedom Gate
Title Match
Johnny Gargano defends
vs. Caleb Konley with Su Yung
Non-Title Grudge Match
EVOLVE Champion Drew
Galloway vs. Roderick Strong
Ricochet vs. Timothy
Special Challenge Match:
Biff Busick vs. Trevor Lee
Winter Park, FL –
January 10, 9pm
EVOLVE Title Match
Drew Galloway defends
vs. Ricochet
Special Challenge Match
Roderick Strong vs.
Timothy Thatcher
Special Challenge Match
Uhaa Nation vs. Biff
Special Challenge Match
AR Fox vs. Trevor Lee
A new “King of the Indies” tournament was
recently announced, the first tournament since 2001. Going to be held somewhere
in California (not sure where – San Jose?) on March 27 and 28 and is being
hosted under the WWNLive banner (Evolve, DG USA, etc).
Three participants have been announced –
B-Boy, Rey Horus and Jody Kristofferson.
Adam Pearce announced that he is retiring
from in-ring competition and his final match was against Colt Cabana at
Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. It’s believed that Pearce will now work
as a producer and trainer at NXT.
New Japan Pro Wrestling will begin on AXS TV
starting Friday, January 16 at 9 p.m. The series will be 13 episodes comprised
of some of the best matches in the company’s history and former UFC heavyweight
champion Josh Barnett and long-time combat sports commentator Mauro Ranallo
will provide English commentary.
Pro Wrestling Syndicate, which runs out of
Rahway, NJ, is getting a weekly TV series on WLNY starting on January 3.
Also during the show, Chikara announced that
they are touring the United Kingdom in April, their first shows in the UK. The
tour starts with two nights in Wolverhampton on April 3 and 4. The next night
they are in Cardiff followed by the final show in London on April 6. Check out
more information at http://www.chikarauktour.com/.
Labels: Adam Pearce, Evolve, Lucha Underground, New Japan Pro Wrestling, NXT, PWS TV